The Sarajevo Jews in the World War II
The author of the paper was a leader of the Anti – Fascist Liberation Movement in Sarajevo during the occupation (1941 – 1945). The arrival of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, their life in harmony with other population and their contribution to various aspects of life, interrupted at the beginning of April 1941, is presented. From that time, until September 1942, when their transportation to concentration camps was finished, the Sarajevo Jews were deprived of all civil rights. They were exposed to a cruel terrorism and humiliation. The Sarajevo Jews were patriots, member of the underground anti – Fascist resistance movement. They contributed to the oppression to the occupational and Quisling forces in order to accomplish the aims of the movement. A great number of the Sarajevo Jews came to the free territory controlled by the Partisans and joined the Partisan military units.
Many of them were appointed military or political officials. Some of them were delivered the decoration of the national heroe and others organized new institutions. Those Jews who tried to save their lives by escaping to the territory controlled by the Italian forces, were soon arrested and sent to the Italian concentration camps, but they continued their underground activity. After the Italian capitulation they joined Partisan units. During the terror in Sarajevo, the solidarity with the Jewish Community, particularly with the rest of them in the Ondependent State of Croatia, was known. Various aspects of solidarity with the endangered Jewish citizens ezisted among the citizens of other nationalities. 9.000 of the Sarajevo Jews, out of 12.000, were killed in concentration camps. As a memory to all the Jews who lost their lives during the Liberation War as partisans or as prisoners in concentration camps, on the hillsides of Sarajevo a very impressive monument was erected, and all their names put on it.
Sefarad 92 str. 73-184